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Dress Casually for Success. . .For Men

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In offices across the country, dressing casually for work is the norm, not the exception, every day of the week, not just Fridays. But what are the rules for business casual? How can men figure out what's appropriate and what's not, without sacrificing or compromising their personal style? Over the past year, GQ, The New York Times, and even Fortune Magazine have all offered advice and counsel about making this transition--but this worrisome and universal problem still poses a fashion challenge for most men. So how can today's businessmen dress without getting a dressing down? Dress Casually for Success. . .for Men answers those questions, and helps men figure out how to dress with authority, style, and comfort, without breaking the rules. It shows readers how to handle the new fashion edicts, guides them through the intricacies of fabrics, patterns, accessories, and colors, and ultimately will help them project just the right image at work and at play, from power lunches to job interviews, to business-related nights on the town. In today's offices and boardrooms, it's the subleties that can make or break a look. Complete with black-and-white and color photos, easy-to-use charts, and quick references for Fashion Do's and Don't, here is the first and only guide to going corporate casual with flair and confidence.

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Customer Buzz
 "not enough information to make it worth it" 2002-04-13
By Justus Pendleton (Colorado Springs, CO United States)
Luckily this book can be read in a sitting...big text and few pages. Too bad there isn't enough information to make it worth sitting long enough to read. This book commits the single biggest mistake that any fashion book can commit: it doesn't have pictures (especially color pictures) of the things it is talking about. Wonder what worsted wool gabardine is? I sure do! They give a definition but no picture is present for me to understand how this is different from some other kind of lightweight wool.

The book does a few guidelines about kinds of clothing to consider wearing and ways to care for them. However, we're talking about a few dozen pages of information. That's the kind of thing I would expect to find on a webpage for free.

The biggest problem is they don't offer a lot of guidelines and never seem to tell you what things you absolutely shouldn't do. So what you're left with is a few ideas but not really enough to build a wardrobe on. You'd do just as well browsing through a few GQ magazines while waiting in line at the supermarket and then heading to a nice clothing store to figure out what worsted wool gabardine is on your own.

Customer Buzz

 "Decent job on an obscure subject." 2001-09-10
By (Middletown, NJ United States)
The first third or half of the book is a waste of time. But the rest makes it worth buying.

Most books only give a passing explanation on casual friday. This one analyzes it to death. They give names for four different types of casual dress, and give guides and even wardrobe lists for each of those styles. It definitely helped me figure out what image I want to present.

My criticism is that like many magazines, movie reviews, entertainment shows, etc, it hates to say "don't." There are too many "you could try this" or "some would prefer that" type answers, and it doesn't really tell about the gaffes people might commit. Also, more and colored photos would help, but most any book on the subject would likely have that same flaw.

I don't believe there to be a better resource on business casual dress, and to the Van Heusen group's credit they don't plug their stores much at all (aside from a few Bass Weejun mentions). Buy it, tear out the first 3-4 chapters, and be happy.

Customer Buzz

 "a good solid book" 2001-03-23
This is a good book for people who want to dress better at casual work places or, in my case, men who are looking to improve their style.

That's one of the problems: not a lot of good style books out there for men. This one does a pretty good job, showing illustrations to help you along and giving some key points.

Definitely worth a look. Also, even better, check out Carole Jackson's COLOR FOR MEN. I wrote a review over there, too.

Customer Buzz

 "This book offers good points for men of all ages and size" 2001-01-29
By Bert & Sherry Keena (New Mexico)
I thought this was a good reference book. It offers good points on casual dressing for men of all sizes. I have two jobs, one as a male dancer and the other as a real estate agent. I must wear casual dress wear and sometimes I just don't match. This book provided me with information on how to wear anything from jeans and tennis to slacks and sports jackets.

Customer Buzz
 "Keeping it simple" 2000-03-26
By Richard G. Kahn (New Jersey)
I work for a company that allows me to dress "business casual" every day. I have to admit that I was not sure what that ment, before reading this book. I have to say that many things in the book are "no brainers" when you think about them. The book is good because it brings it all together. It is a good guide to help you avoid the mines in the mine field called "casual business"

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Buy Dress Casually for Success. . .For Men Now

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